
Carved from one solid white mahogany tree, the Peace Totem is over 14 ft. tall.
The Peace Totem arrived in the US from Bali in a huge crate made of teak. Mixed in with the padding of the precious cargo were photos of the native Balinese who had helped to create it.

A new box has been made - a giant coffin, its black velvet padded with clothing from the children of Laurel Canyon - will travel on tour from Los Angeles to its new home at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland.

click images to enlarge

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From bottom to top the figures on the Peace Totem are:
Jimi Hendrix - Janis Joplin - John Lennon - Jim Morrison

The Peace Totem in its Laurel Canyon location, the Lucas house, former home of Jim Morrison.

Copyright ©2008 Benjamin Lucas. All rights reserved.